Mellowing in Miramar.
Miramar, Havana.
19.07.2018 - 29.07.2018
We went around parts of Miramar several times on the hop-on hop-off bus. We only got off the bus here on one occasion. That was to go to the Hotel Copacabana and buy a day pass for their pool.
Miramar is mainly a residential area with some very attractive houses. It is also home to many embassies and lots of hotels. It was one of the few areas of Havana where we actually saw supermarkets - several of them.
As we only spent one day here and most of that was swimming, this entry will be short.
Typical Miramar residences.
Typical Miramar residences.
Miramar is home to the National Aquarium. We did not visit this, so have no idea what it is like. The hop on hop off bus stops right outside it.
The Acuario Nacional.
There is also some kind of circus here, but again we did not visit. I think both the aquarium and the circus are more popular with Cubans than tourists.
The Circus.
There was one building in Miramar that really stood out. I kept photographing it, but did not know what it was. It turned out to be the Russian Embassy. It has quite a unique design.
The aquarium with the Russian embassy behind it.
The Russian Embassy.
We considered staying in Miramar initially, but in the end decided it was too far from the centre. The attraction is the hotels here generally have swimming-pools. It is possible to visit both Vedado and the Old Town from here using the hop on hop off bus. A lot of the hotels here look quite attractive and modern.
Hotels in Miramar. One of these is the Oasis Panorama Hotel.
Another attraction is that Miramar is on the sea, not sure if there are beaches here. Certainly there are grassy areas for sitting or picnicking.
Miramar by the sea.
Miramar by the sea.
Miramar by the sea.
We spent our day in the Copacabana Hotel here. We bought a day pass for the pool for twenty CUC each. We were able to spend twelve of this each on food and drink by the pool. The pool was lovely and there is a sea pool, too, though this was blocked off and appeared quite dangerous as big waves kept crashing over it. I'm not sure if it is open on calmer days or permanently closed.
Service at the pool was friendly. The drinks were fine, too, but the food was not as good as in the Hotel Nacional.
Inside the Copacabana Hotel.
Swimming pool at the Copacabana.
A bit choppy in the sea pool.
Swimming pool at the Copacabana.
Swimming pool at the Copacabana.
Peter was not at all impressed with his burger.
My pork chops were fine.
Watching the sea rushing in.
The pool got crowded later.
Posted by irenevt 18:48 Archived in Cuba Tagged hotels cuba circus swimming aquarium miramar